
Learn about the benefits of an EMDR Intensive vs. EMDR weekly therapy.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy can be conducted either intensively (longer hours in one session) or weekly (one session per week). The benefits of an EMDR intensive includes:


  1. Faster progress: An intensive approach allows for more sessions in a shorter period of time, which can lead to a faster resolution of trauma symptoms. One intensive session is the equivalent of months of therapy.

  2. Intense treatment (hence “intensive” : You’re not spending time focusing on anything outside of the already agreed upon treatment goals so your EMDR intensive allows for a deeper processing of traumatic memories.

  3. Increased accountability: An intensive approach can increase the accountability of both the therapist and the client, helping to ensure that the client makes progress towards their therapeutic goals.

  4. Focused processing: This is ideal for clients who have one or two specific problems they are clear they want to work on. 

On the other hand, the benefits of weekly therapy may include:

  1. Gradual progress: The slower pace of weekly therapy can be helpful for some individuals as it allows for a gradual processing of traumatic memories.

  2. Better integration: Weekly therapy allows for time between sessions for the individual to integrate and process the work done in therapy. You can still do this with an intensive but you will have to coordinate with your therapist how to go about the follow-up.

  3. Reduced intensity: The slower pace of weekly therapy can reduce the intensity of therapy, making it a good option for individuals who may not be able to tolerate an intensive approach.

  4. More flexibility: Weekly sessions are better for clients that want more flexibility on what they discuss in session. They may have some awareness on what their struggles are and they want to be able to flow through all of them in therapy.


Ultimately, the choice between an intensive or weekly approach will depend on the client’s specific needs, therapeutic goals, and personal preferences. Some people prefer to work intensively. They’re the ones that would prefer an accelerated Master’s program vs a traditional 2 year program or binge watch an entire Netflix show on a lazy Sunday versus watching one episode per week (I don’t actually know those people even exist but maybe they do!). Either way, definitely consult with your therapist and see if they’re offering intensives and if they think you’d be a good fit and discuss your options.

Are you based in New York and want to schedule an EMDR Intensive for yourself? I provide EMDR intensives for other therapists and small business owners. Check out my EMDR Intensive page here.


Dr. Minerva Guerrero is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Westchester, New York. She is the owner of Mind Matters Mental Health Counseling, offering telehealth services and in person EMDR Intensives. She specializes in treating anxiety and trauma in adults. For more information about her, make sure to visit her website or follow her on Instagram: mindmattersmhc.

Three things to expect from an EMDR Intensive

EMDR intensives have become a new favorite for clients and therapists alike. If you’re thinking of scheduling your own intensive (you should!), these are 3 things you can definitely expect.

  1. You will be surprised at how much work you did in only one intensive session.   

How amazing is it to have done so much healing work that normally can take months to do? Most clients are mind blown at the progress that they’ve made with only one intensive and are really excited, grateful, and energetic after, which is so fulfilling to witness as an EMDR therapist. However, it is normal to feel tired for at least a few days after your EMDR intensive. This may catch some folks by surprise because of the initial increased energy they feel but imagine completing a marathon in a few hours, you need to rest and recover. I highly suggest carving out time to decompress in your schedule for the first few days following your intensive.


2. There will be breaks to help you integrate the work you’re doing.

The amount of lengths of breaks of an EMDR intensive will vary depending on the format of your session which varies by providers but I do a definite one hour break for a meal or to walk around and stretch. There can be other breaks as needed but usually not for more than 10-15 minutes. So don’t think because it’s an intensive, that you can’t ask for one as you need.


3. Your pre-consultation is to best prepare you for the real deal.

Your EMDR therapist will most likely be meeting with you before your actual intensive in order to get to know you and what your goals are for the intensive, complete a comprehensive treatment plan, and prepare you with personalized resources to ensure that your intensive session is a success.

Keep in mind that EMDR is a highly individualized therapy, and the specifics of what you can expect during an intensive session will depend on your specific needs and goals. This will also depend on your provider and how they format their intensive EMDR sessions.


Are you based in New York and want to schedule an EMDR Intensive for yourself? I provide EMDR intensives for other therapists and small business owners. Check out my EMDR Intensive page here.

Dr. Minerva Guerrero is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Westchester, New York. She is the owner of Mind Matters Mental Health Counseling, offering telehealth services and in person EMDR Intensives. She specializes in treating anxiety and trauma in adults. For more information about her, make sure to visit her website or follow her on Instagram: mindmattersmhc.